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Windows configuration is free to entertain Ubuntu without taking effect
During the configuration of my personal blog, I planned to use GitHub Action to automatically deploy, which needs to be used to use the SSH key to set aside.
Reference link
The blogger uses win10, ubuntu20.04;
The process of configuration key is very simple. First of all
Then usessh-copy-id remote_username@server_ip_address
Deploy the public key to the remote server, but Windows generally does notssh-copy-id
Order, so you can use the following command instead.
After that, restart the SSH service and use itssh remote_username@server_ip_address
The connection found that the password is still required. After checking the information, the link 2 is on the Linux platform. It is not applicable to Windows. It is puzzled.
I found that the OpenSSH AUTHENTICATION AGENT item is not started. The description is very clear. It is used to verify the public and private key. After the service is turned on, it is still impossible to connect directly.
Finally, add config files in your .ssh directory
Re -connect after saving and solve it perfectly!